The earliest squires of Weston Hall were the Stophams. At various times the property was passed down the female line and subsequent owners were the Vavasours, the Carters and finally the Dawsons. In 2011, the Weston Estate was inherited by Christopher Dawson who is now the 32nd Squire.
Situated near the banks of the Wharfe, and about two miles west of Otley, stands the fine old mansion, Grade 1 listed, Weston Hall.
Few of the owners of Weston Hall were involved in politics or business but they were active in the Yorkshire community. None more so than Emma Carter who married Christopher Holdsworth Dawson. Emma Dawson was a great philanthropist and in All Saints Church Weston there are stained glass windows and plaques acknowledging her gift of the Redcar lifeboat and her involvement with organisations such as the United Order of Gardeners.
More than anything however, Weston Hall is, and has always been, a family home.
Tuesday 29 July – Saturday 30 August 2025(closed Wednesdays 30 July and 6, 13, 20 and 27 August)
Open 11am-1pm and 2pm-4pm
Tours starting at 11am and 2pm